Watch this video on Venus, the second planet from the Sun!
Was there ever life on Mars? Could we live there some day? Click here to watch a video all about Mars!
There's a whole section of this virtual field trip dedicated to our planet Earth, but why not learn some more? Click to watch this video on Earth!
Watch this video on the first planet in our solar system and the closest planet to the Sun!
Is Uranus really a planet on its side? Click here to watch and learn all about Uranus!
Aren't Saturn's rings beautiful? Want to learn more about them? Click here to watch and learn about Saturn!
Ready to learn about the largest planet in the solar system? Click here to watch a video all about Jupiter!
Windy? Icy cold? Blue? That's Neptune! Click here to watch and learn about the furthest out planet in our solar system-Neptune!
Now that you've had a chance to learn about each planet, let's have a little fun with them! Watch this space rap all about the planets in our solar system!
Planet Rap
Pluto ?
When Mrs. Hesemann was in school, Pluto was a planet! But what have scientists discovered since then? Click here to watch and learn about the "dwarf planet" Pluto!
Watch these cool videos to learn more!
The Planets
"My Very Energetic Mother Just Served
Us Noodles"
Did she really? No, that's just a fun way to remember all the planets in order from closest to the Sun to furthest from the Sun! Ready to learn even more about all the planets?
Look below to see more pictures and videos about all the planets!