Virtual Field Trip
Mrs. Hesemann's
Videos & More
Below are some super cool videos and other fun media that will help you learn even more about matter! Read the circle above each video to have an idea about what each clip will teach you, and then, click the Play button to get started! Enjoy!
Watch this
cool music video
that shows lots of examples of
the three states
of matter!
Let Bill Nye
teach you all
about atoms!
You'll learn LOTS
about atoms from
this Science
See how
the particles
(or atoms) inside
of each state of
matter are
Watch Science
Bob have fun with
chemical changes
as he makes his
own special
Sing along
with some
other students
learning all about
the three states
of matter!
Could there
be a 4th state of
matter? THERE IS!
It's called plasma
(or oobleck!) Watch
Duke University have
fun with oobleck!